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Family history 



My great-grandfather, William Law Pakenham, was obsessed by his family history and spent decades in research on the main Pakenham tree, which his distant cousin Ivo registered at the College of Arms in 1939 after WLP's death. A closely-related version of this was drawn up and emblazoned for Ivo; this version was not authenticated by the College, however.

There is much information on the Web on the main Pakenham line, which is not replicated here. The material in this site has either not been posted up elsewhere, to my knowledge, or combines several sources to give an ancestor map of my grandfather, Thomas Pakenham.

 Other surnames

Lewes Thomas


William Law Pakenham's tree 

My cousin Marcus gave photographic copies of this large tree (A1 size) to his siblings and cousins, and I have scanned in my own copy (in 8 parts) and stitched them together with software intended for scenic panoramas.  The 4 sideways pairs stitched more successfully than the vertical joins, where the curl of the scroll interfered.  The (erratically stitched) whole tree and the 4 horizontal slices can each be downloaded below.

More about the creation of the tree and its submission to the College of Arms here ...

WLP's emblazoned tree has many discrepancies before 1600 with others published on the Internet, and I was fortunate to be invited by a friend working at the College of Arms to see the records held there. I was able to compare the contentious entries in the main line with the College's own 1939 records, and with the exception of an early spouse, the names and most of the details tallied exactly. Moreover, there have been no later indexed deposits at the College to contradict the 1930s information.

 Related sites

Anthony Maitland

AJS Genealogy


Download the whole tree for context, and the four parts for accuracy:

To download each graphic without viewing it first, right-click on the thumnail picture here and select "Save Target as..." (not Save Picture as, which will save the thumbnail only)

WLPtreeStitched-rotated-noliving.gif (3,244,032 bytes) The whole tree (3.1 MB)

1_cropped_more.jpg (461856 bytes)  1. Early generations to mid-C15th (0.5 MB)

2_cropped.jpg (1155003 bytes)  2. Early C15th to C18th (1.1 MB) - this includes Elizabeth, the 2nd wife of Sir Frances Lovell of East Harling, whose first wife has been plausibly identifed as Holbein's Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling.

3_cropped.jpg (1310059 bytes)3. C18th to early C19th (1.3 MB)

4_cropped_more-noliving.jpg (634866 bytes)  4. Early C19th to early C20th (0.6 MB)

Details of those still alive have been omitted from these copies.

Click here to download (as XLS): my own partial transcription and verification of parts of this tree against the 1939 records at the College of Arms (if anyone wishes to complete this transcription and send it to me, I'd be delighted).

Thomas Pakenham's ancestor map - to come

I have conducted a small amount of research on the POPHAMs (a combination of existing material) and PRINCEs, the ancestors of Caroline Emily POPHAM, who was Admiral John PAKENHAM's wife in the early C19th.

I have also been lucky to connect with Alistair GORDON, who has contributed his researches on the PETERS family to www.wargs.com.  The latter are doubly connected to John PAKENHAM: he married Frances Julia PETERS (TOLLEMACHE by then) as his second wife, and her neice and god-daughter Emma Sophia RUST married John's son Wellington Montagu PAKENHAM.

 contact Other sources:

Anthony Maitland p1 & p2 -  gives a comprehensive ancestor map in male and female lines from Edward Michael PAKENHAM, 2nd Baron Longford, backwards to the time of William the Conqueror. This disagrees over several generations before 1600 with William Law Pakenham's tree above.

AJS Genealogy - the descendants of William de PAKENHAM, an English judge during the reign of Edward I and the ancestors of the heiress Elizabeth CUFF who married the first Baron Longford. These include Elizabeth WOODVILLE, her first husband, Sir John GREY, 7th Lord Ferrers (her second husband was Edward IV, and she was the grandmother of Henry VIII), and Mary O'BRIEN, who links back (elsewhere) to the ancient Irish families (the Duke of Wellington was also descended from Mary, which made him rather more Irish than he claimed).